
Rural England Prosperity Fund


Rural England Prosperity Fund

In September the Government announced the Rural England Prosperity Fund, a £110 million scheme aimed at boosting rural economies as part of the wider levelling up agenda. 

North Kesteven has been allocated £747,556 to use in line with the Rural Fund’s aims, and so the Council is proposing a range of capital grant schemes that include:
  • Support for small rural businesses, large capital projects and for the wider visitor economy in the District. 
  • A grant scheme that will support communities and community groups aiming to make an investment in projects that will benefit the community or contribute to the District reaching net zero.

The aim of the Rural Fund is to support capital projects for small businesses and community infrastructure, to improve productivity and strengthen the rural economy and rural communities.

The two key priorities of the Rural Fund are focused on supporting rural, small businesses and entrepreneurs to either start-up, scale up or expand and helping rural communities to enhance digital infrastructure, community infrastructure and local green spaces and community-led projects. 

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